documentation resources |
by Ed Hawco
Maintained by Lisa MacDonald
Modified February 25, 2000
On this page: Digital Video and the Post-Production Industry Technical Communication Resources The Documentation Library Important Employee Information Coming soon!
Digital Video and the Post-Production Industry
Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers (SMPTE) is an international, technical society devoted to advancing the theory and application of motion-imaging technology including film, television, video, computer imaging, and telecommunications. Use this site to get up-to-date on current industry standards. Or, jump to a list of related SMPTE links.
National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) The NAB site is full of articles and research papers related to the radio and television broadcast industry.
Silicon Graphics Incorporated (SGI). Find out everything you need to know about platforms, workstations, SGI news, and more, including Silicon Graphics Technical Publications, an excellent souce of information about SGI hardware and software. The SGI library has a powerful search engine for quickly finding the information you need.
Visit Charles Poynton' site to see some of his articles about colour and gamma. You can also sample a few chapters from his book "A Technical Introduction to Digital Video". contains some basic information about film editing. This site also contains some Avid links.
PCMagazine Glossary of 3D Terms, a collection of terms in common use when discussing 3D graphics cards.
3D Graphics Glossary This may be a commercial website (pair Networks), but its collection of 3D graphics terms is remarkably complete. Also offers links to on-line tutorials and other glossaries.
Technical Communication Resources
Society for Technical Communication (STC) - Montreal Chapter This site provides information about the local STC chapter, including a schedule of upcoming meetings and events, contact people, and a Job Bank.If you're not a member yet, fill out the PDF version of the STC membership application, or use the ASCII version of the application form. Note that the STC Montreal site has an extensive list of very useful resources on its "Links" page.
Webster Dictionary Online The dictionary is fully searchable.
The FrameMaker User's Group is loaded with news on the latest releases, tips and tricks, FAQs and a user's forum. Check it out.
The Documentation Library Books
"Non Linear - A Guide to Electronic Fim and Video Editing"
Michael Rubin
If you want to learn the fundamentals of nonlinear film and video editing, this book is a great place to start. Although it was written in 1992, the concepts are still relevant. This title is highly recommended.
"Teach Yourself UNIX" Third Edition
Kevin Reichard
This is a basic introduction to UNIX.
"Video Demystified - A Handbook For the Digital Engineer"
Keith Jack
This is a highly technical guide that contains a lot of very useful information on colour space, NTSC and PAL and video processing. It also has a fairly substantial glossary.
"Using Irix - An Overview"
Discreet Logic
Chapter 9 from the FLAME 4.0 Installation Guide.
Journals and Online Books/Articles
Colour Theory
An introduction to colour theory (in HTML format).
We have subscriptions to the following journals:
- Cinefex
- American Cinematographer
- Broadcast Engineering
- TV Technology